How To Prepare Your Garden And Lawn For The Summer

Many people believe you need a green thumb to have a beautiful lawn, but that’s not true. Simple maintenance and nourishment can go a long way. Here are some helpful tips to get your lawn and garden into shape for the summertime.

Clean up a little

It’s best practice to clean the lawn thoroughly. Pick up any twigs, leaves, and other debris that gather over time. To make it even easier, use a rake to collect the more significant trash and then use a leaf blower to blow away anything left. This will help later when using fertilizer, as debris can prevent fertilizer from being adequately absorbed by the lawn.

Trim the Trees

If any dead branches are left unattended, they can cause damage to a person or property. Consider hiring a professional tree trimmer to clean up the trees around your home.

Fertilizer, Pre-emergent, and Weed Killer

It’s essential to apply fertilizer (feeds your grass), and pre-emergent (prevents crabgrass and other weeds) early in the spring. The reason is that it’s best to prevent it as much as possible. You do not want to fight crabgrass and weeds throughout the summer or year. Then, about 6-8 weeks later, apply both again and a weed killer.

Tip: many lawn care products offer both pre-emergent and weed killer in the same application. It does not hurt to save some money with one application. Be sure to check the instruction labels to see if they suit your type of grass.


Generally, it is best to mow the lawn about once per week. Stick to the basics of only removing up to one-third of the leaf blade at a time. Cutting your lawn too short can do more damage than letting it grow too tall.


Now that the lawn has been taken care of edge out your beds, and trim the shrubs. Make sure to remove dead branches and existing mulch.

The type of mulch is of your choosing, but consider a heavier type of mulch. It will have a better chance of not being washed away and will give your flowerbed a more professional look. Applying bark mulch about 3 inches deep and then wetting it down to help hold it in place is essential.

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