Fertilizing Schedule for a Greener Lawn

Fertilizing your grass is one of the most beneficial things you can do to help your lawn flourish. A healthier and more sustainable yard allows your grass to be better protected from things like extreme temperatures, drought, mowing, foot traffic, and more. With replenished and strengthened roots, your grass is sure to look green and luscious when temperatures begin to warm up. While fertilizing your lawn once a year will help its condition, feeding it 4 times per year will have it looking beautiful and healthy year-round. Keep reading for a fertilizing schedule that will ensure your lawn is the greenest on the block. 

Early spring

After a long and cold winter, your lawn is waiting for a pick-me-up! Fertilizing while your yard is hungry for nutrients will ensure that it can absorb and strengthen its roots in time for spring. 

Fertilizing between February and April, when your grass is beginning to turn green and actively grow, is an ideal time to apply early spring lawn fertilizer. Fertilize once during these months to  jump start your healthy lawn. 

Late spring

By late spring, your lawn is ready to gain its strength back and therefore is another perfect time to fertilize. Keeping your yard well-nourished is key to maintaining a healthy and luxurious lawn. 

Fertilize once in late spring between April and June, 6 to 8 weeks after the early spring feeding.


Summer can be tough on your grass for several reasons. Whether it be extreme heat, foot traffic, insects, or drought, fertilizing in the summer months will help to protect your grass from summer’s harm.  

Again, applying lawn fertilizer 6 to 8 weeks after the late spring feeding will keep your lawn full of nutrients to shield it from the summer sun. Fertilize once between June and August for the best results. 


To recover from the summer heat, fertilizing in the fall will give your lawn the upper hand to have a prosperous season the following spring. Feeding before the first freeze will lock in the nutrients needed to strengthen the roots and soil to protect your grass from winter damage. 

Before winter is in full swing, apply fall lawn fertilizer once between August and November, 6 to 8 weeks after the summer feeding. 

Schedule = Success

After these 4 feedings, your lawn will be ready to brave whatever weather West Texas throws at it. With regular feedings, your grass will remain healthy throughout any season. As spring is fast approaching, be prepared for your first early spring feeding so that your lawn looks luscious, full, and healthy this year. 

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