Winter Lawn Care Tips

Lawn care is generally considered necessary in the spring and summer months. However, to ensure that your lawn is green and luscious when temperatures warm up,  you must care for your yard year-round. If neglected, winter can cause severe damage to your lawn. Luckily, there are some simple steps to keep your lawn protected, even in the winter. 

Clear Yard of Debris

People tend to forget about yard care when temperatures drop and snow begins to fall. However, this can be detrimental to your yard. Making sure that your grass is free of any debris will ensure that no spots are being targeted or will later become “dead spots” in the spring. For example, if a log is left in your yard and snow covers it, that area is more likely to experience stunted growth in the spring. Instead, make sure that any toys, sticks, and furniture are removed from your lawn before the first snowfall. 

Cut Your Grass Shorter

Another helpful winterization tip is to cut your grass progressively shorter each time you mow. Keeping your grass short in the winter will limit the chances of mice or other rodents from hibernating in your lawn for warmth through the winter months. Rodents looking to make nests in tall grass can be harmful to your lawn, and keeping your lawn as short as possible will guarantee your yard is mouse-free. 

Fertilize Your Lawn

It is important to know what type of grass you have so you can be confident that you are giving it the best care possible. Most people in the United States have cool-season grasses, such as Bluegrass or Bermuda. Finding the right fertilizer to treat your grass will replenish the nutrients that your lawn may lose during the summer months. Fertilizing before the first freeze can lock in those nutrients for the entire winter, feeding the roots of your grass for a healthy lawn by spring. 

Spray for Grubs

Lawn grubs, also sometimes referred to as white grubs, are the larval form of scarab beetles. During the long winter months, these grubs can feast on your grass and can cause extensive damage if neglected. To prevent this, purchase grub killer at any garden center or department store to make sure they stay far away from your yard. 

Remove Moss

Finally, raking and getting rid of moss can significantly help your lawn. Moss commonly grows in the shaded areas of your yard and will only continue to spread throughout the winter months. As trees lose their leaves, more sunlight will be able to reach these areas. Thus, getting rid of mossy areas will allow more sunlight, where healthy grass can grow in its place. 

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