Fall Weed Prevention

Weed control can feel like a constant burden on your to-do list. Combatting your best removal efforts, these pesky little plants seem to continue to grow in the most unwanted areas. Luckily, there are tips you can exercise to help prevent your lawn from a weed takeover this fall. 

Garden Smarter, Not Harder! 

The best time to take action against weeds in your lawn is in the fall and early spring, taking advantage of the growing season of your specific turfgrass. Weed prevention begins with a thick, healthy lawn, making this your number one defense against weeds. Weeds are less likely to invade dense turf because they do not like to compete for space, nutrients, water, and sunlight. Thus, a healthy lawn is key to a weedless fall.

Weed Control

Weeds are common in even the healthiest of lawns. The simplest way to control weeds in your yard or garden is to pull or dig them up. Once the weed root has been removed, seed the open spots to prevent weeds from filling them in again. Cover any open areas! Mulch is an excellent solution to fill space after pulling weeds. As weeds need space, light, and water to grow among your plants, mulch blocks those nutrients from the soil and therefore prevents weed growth. Also, organic mulch is great for your yard as it breaks down and absorbs into the soil. By covering any bare soil areas with mulch, you are blocking the nutrients weeds to germinate, and therefore preventing growth.

Best Time for Treatment

Fall is the prime time to take action against the weeds in your yard. In the case of your lawn needing some damage control, using a chemical or organic herbicide is an optimal choice. Additionally, using an herbicide is most efficient in the fall due to a plant’s process of winter food storage. As a response to cooling temperatures, weeds move food from their leaves to their roots for winter storage. Therefore, herbicides also get pulled into the roots, essentially killing the weed at the source. 

Before applying herbicides to your yard, ensure that this is the correct method for your property. If your lawn is infested with summer-annual weeds, winter frosts alone are often able to kill these weed types. If your yard does need chemical treatment, make sure that you only apply the treatment to problem areas and follow the directions on the label carefully. 

Tip: Avoid applying chemical herbicides when it’s windy! This can cause the chemicals to spread to areas that do not need treatment. Especially if you’re using a non-selective herbicide that is used to kill any vegetation it touches. 

Ways to Improve Your Yard

One of the most important methods to control weeds is one of the simplest- make sure you water your lawn! Frequently watering your yard improves the health of your grass and therefore prevents weeds. Additionally, the more hydrated your weeds are, the better they respond to herbicide treatments. Fall fertilization and aeration can also tremendously improve the health of your lawn and prevent weeds from taking hold. By following these tips, you are on the right track to a weed-free winter. 

For more irrigation tips and services, visit www.watermasterirrigation.com.

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