Fall Home Maintenance To-Do List

Just a little more to do besides setting your clocks back…

Before you go into deep couch lock for sweater weather, there are a few home projects you’ll need to take care of before autumn is in full swing. Once you have made a list, settle in and cozy up for some relaxing nights. 

1. Trim back your landscape.

You’ll want to get trees that rest near your roof and windows trimmed before storm season. If they’re too close, a windy day could cause them to damage your roof or windows. Also, clear out debris from around your foundation to prevent damage. If branches are near a power line, call the local utility company to see if they’ll take care of them for you. You’ll also want to keep cutting your grass until it goes dormant.

2. Fertilize and reseed your yard.

Just because the top layer is dormant doesn’t mean there isn’t growth under the surface. It would be best to fertilize your yard in the fall because, in winter, roots do most of their growing. So, look into what turfgrass you have and then decide what fertilizer you want to buy or make yourself.  

3. Get an HVAC inspection

Knowing your heater is working before you need it is best. Also, you’ll want to fix inefficiencies that could add extra costs to your energy bill. Most local repair companies have free or low-cost inspections, so save money and headaches and get an HVAC inspection.

4. Make sure windows and doors aren’t leaking energy.

Heating costs can add up from September through March. So, you’ll want to minimize heat escape routes. That means weatherstripping and caulking doors and windows. This process can be tricky for anyone who’s never done it, so check out this video tutorial. Also, consider calling someone out to do maintenance work on your insulation.

5. Clean the gutters.

Clogged gutters are a significant home hazard in colder months. In addition to long-term damage to your foundation, clogged gutters can cause home disasters like flooded basements. Luckily, cleaning out the debris by hand on a ladder or by making a PVC gutter cleaner would be best.

6. Check your detectors.

We all know that we should regularly check our home’s fire and carbon monoxide detectors, but we don’t. However, it’s extra essential in the warmer months because people use ovens and heaters more, and windows are opened less. So, for safety reasons, check your detectors regularly throughout fall and winter.

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