Tank Overflow Systems – What You Should Know

Watermaster Irrigation Supply - Lubbock, TX

As a feedlot manager or a dairy farmer, you understand, on another level, the value water has for your herd. You know this to be especially true in the summer as the cattle can’t seem to get enough. 

Then there’s all that water sitting in the lagoon. It’s contaminated, but what if there was a way to recycle it back into use instead of pumping even more water for the herd?

Thanks to Watermaster’s Feedlot Tank Overflow Recycling, there’s a way.

Here’s how and why you should use our Feedlot Tank Overflow Recycling:

1. Money, Money, Money!

Summer in Texas is no joke. Whether you’re south with humidity or north with dry heat waves, humans and cattle alike will get thirsty. Think of how much your herd drinks in the winter and imagine what it will be in the summer. How many gallons is that a day? How about a week? And exactly how much money does it take to pump all that water?

Now, think of all the wasted water from what you pump. Most of it ends up in the lagoon or evaporates. The Feedlot Tank Overflow Recycling removes wasted water, filters and cleans it, and puts it back in the supply unit.

Rather than seeing money evaporate into the sky, reuse that water. Your checkbook will thank you for it.

2. Its Recycling Numbers are Off the Charts.

Recycling an average of 15-20 million gallons per year, the Feedlot Tank Overflow Recycling system is a beast. And depending on the amount of overflow captured, it can handle up to 100 million gallons per year.

Just imagine recapturing 15+ million gallons of water per year that you don’t have to pay for because it’s already in your system.

And with the help of Watermaster experts, they can help you decide how many Feedlot Tank Overflow Recycling units you need to outfit your operation best.

3. Stewarding Our Resources.

One critical point is that the Feedlot Tank Overflow Recycling unit will help conserve water resources. This area already gets little rain, and we’re rapidly using our resources from the Ogallala Aquifer.

Over one hundred thousand dairy farms and feedlots are in the U.S. alone. If only a few, a small percentage, decided to implement the Feedlot Tank Overflow Recycling system, it could save several hundred billion gallons of water per year. This small change can drastically impact our limited resources and help conserve for a more profitable tomorrow.

Make this a part of your operation and consider not just helping your checkbook but the resources we so desperately need as well.

4. Here’s How It Works

If you’re interested, or even a little bit curious, about the Feedlot Tank Overflow Recycling system, here’s a brief description of how it works:

Step 1:

The overflow lines from the pens fill a Central Overflow Collection Tank tank.

Step 2:

Once the water reaches a certain level in the Central Overflow Collection Tank, it goes into an aboveground filtration system with backwash capability.

Step 3:

After filtering, the water moves into an aboveground storage tank that can be chlorinated.

Step 4:

Once the water reaches a certain level, a pump turns on and sends the water through a U.V. filter to eliminate bacteria and pathogens.

Step 5:

The water is then measured before being returned to the supply tank to reuse by your thirsty feedlot or dairy cattle.

For a complete description, watch the video below.

Whatever your needs or reasons, the Feedlot Tank Overflow Recycling system is the perfect tool to recycle water for you, your cattle, and the environment. Please consider calling us today about setting it up for your operation.

We are more than just irrigation. Get help from the ones that help the pros. Watermaster.

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