The Shop

Regular maintenance is the best way to avoid costly and serious repairs. The Shop is your one-stop spot for your lawn equipment repair and maintenance.


The weather is finally getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and the grass is once again starting to grow. It is time to once again fire up the lawnmowers. But before you do so, come see us at The Shop.

At The Shop, we service and repair several different kinds of lawnmowers, both gas, and diesel. We can service and repair Kawasaki, Coler, and Exmark gas mowers, and Yanmar diesel mowers. It is easy to let lawn mower maintenance fall to the wayside, but regular, consistent maintenance will assure that you do not have to pay thousands more in repairs.

Spring has sprung and after months of sitting static, it is best to get your lawnmower serviced before the long lawn care season ahead.

There is no better time than spring to schedule your lawn mower maintenance. We can service engines, replace parts such as blades, and assure that your machine is running in tiptop shape. After a long winter, lawn mowers will need their spark plugs checked, oil and filters changed, as well as new or sharpened blades. Rather than trying to juggle all this while also getting your yard prepped for the Spring, why not choose Watermaster for your Spring lawn mower tune-up?

Contact Us Today

Ready to schedule your spring maintenance? Give us a call today at (806) 797-9044.

The Shop is available to all customers — whether you purchased your lawnmower through us or somewhere else, we are happy to provide service and repairs to the brands we are able to.

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