How To Care For Your Lawn This Winter

Lubbock Irrigation Supply - Watermaster pros

You might be surprised to learn that proper lawn care is just as important in winter as in spring and summer. During the colder months, steps need to be taken to ensure that healthy green grass grows in your yard come springtime. Don’t lock up the tool shed for the winter just yet! Try following these guidelines to properly care for your lawn this winter.

Mowing – Care For Your Lawn This Winter

Proper mowing practices need to continue until your grass goes dormant. If your lawn is overseeded, meaning it maintains its green color during the winter, then you must keep mowing throughout the winter months.

Try “grass-cycling”, which simply leaves the grass clippings in the yard after mowing. Up to 25 percent of your lawn’s fertilizer can be provided from this simple trick, as grass clippings decompose quickly and contain valuable nutrients. Alternatively, collect the grass clippings and use them as mulch.

Fertilizing – Care For Your Lawn This Winter

A soil test is the only way to ensure your lawn needs fertilization. Collect a soil sample and take it to your local county extension office; the results will determine if fertilization is needed to adjust your soil’s pH balance. If soil testing is unavailable, use a complete turf-grade fertilizer with a 4-1-2 ratio.

Tip: If your lawn is composed of bermudagrass, only fertilize it if it has been overseeded.

Watering – Care For Your Lawn This Winter

Tall fescue grass needs a weekly application of about 1 inch of water, even more frequently if your grass grows in sandy soil. Bermudagrass that has gone dormant for the winter only needs watering if the weather has become excessively dry, warm, or windy. If your bermudagrass is overseeded, continue your spring and summer watering practices throughout the winter.

Weed Control – Care For Your Lawn This Winter

Apply broadleaf herbicides to control cudweed, dandelions, and other weeds that may sprout in your yard. Always read labels carefully to ensure you are applying the most appropriate type of weed control for your grass type.

From mowing to fertilizing and everything in between, you will have plenty to keep you busy during winter. If you’d prefer to spend your winter cozied by the fireplace instead of out in the cold watering your grass, contact Watermaster Irrigation Supply to learn more about how high-quality irrigation products can improve lawn care. Contact Watermaster Irrigation today. 

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